Currently we are in the era of the revolution industrial 4.0 (21st century) which of the course really demands a fundamental change in the world of education. The demands of the world require the world of education to make various innovations and breakthroughs in increasing the competence of human resources. 21Century learning needs to integrate literacy skills, knowledge skills, skills and attitudes, as well as mastery of technology. besides that, we also have to look at the current development and knowledge of children about science, inventions and innovations, especially in the field of science, so it requires us to know the extent of students' insights, knowledge and abilities in applying their knowledge.
The current learning process that is required by using the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) approach. On this basis, the Indonesian Young Scientists Association (IYSA), an organization engaged in research and scientific work in particular, feels obliged to play a role in facilitating the students so that they are able to compete in the world industrial 4.0.
IYSA in collaboration with Universitas Pancasila, Faculty of Pharmacy and Department of Food Science and Technology, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) will hold an international-level standard Invention competition entitled "World Science Environment and Engineering Competition (WSEEC)" This event as an appropriate learning platform to foster our young generation.
The Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University held The 3rd World Science, Environment and Engineering Competition (WSEEC) 2023...
ViewThree class XI MIPA Plus Good Shepherd High School students who are members of the Youth Scientific Group (KIR SMA GB) again made achievements in the International Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI)....
ViewAlong with the times, technology is certainly growing. Many innovations made by the world related to the world of technology.....